No matter where you are when it comes to analyzing your location data, we have steps to help you implement geospatial analytics. By adding location data to your business data, you can uncover all new insights and transform your business.

1.) Define Your Geospatial Analytics Strategy

Any geospatial project should begin with a strategy. The first step of your strategy is to think about the business reasons for implementing geospatial analytics in the first place. What questions are you trying to answer? How does this help your business? What decisions will you make?

Then, determine the specific questions you want answered. Read more

2.) Prepare Your Data

What data is readily available by your organization? Take note of how many location points you have to understand and if it makes sense to plot them all at once or present in a different way. Then, make some determinations about how you will aggregate data and show addresses before standardizing the data.

See more tips about how to prepare your data.

3.) Choose Your Analytics Solution

There are tools used exclusively for geospatial analytics, ranging from a full-blown GIS, to products that enhance the capabilities of data visualization tools (like Analytics8’s tool, QlikMaps). Consider these questions if you need something more robust that your existing BI tool.

Check out our more exhaustive geospatial analytics worksheet to help with your tool selection.

4.) Examine Results

This is the time to perform analysis and refine your solution. It’s important to let your business users test the tool to ensure it’s intuitive to use and providing insight.

Read more about what to consider when optimizing your solution.

5.) Make Decisions

Now is time to start taking action with your data. Seeing and analyzing your data in the context of its location will make you consider strategic questions about your business and help you gain a competitive edge.

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